Local Heroes

Local Heroes is about a powerless sidekick who struggles to keep up with his super-powered mentors.

A Hurm Studio comic

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Remastering Storyline 2

This About, Storyline 2 entry posted at 10:31 AM on April 9, 2007

Sorry, but there is no new Local Heroes strip today. However, I have begun remastering some of the early strips. This is all in preparation for a Local Heroes comic which will compile all the strips from Storylines 1 through 5.

The remastering of Storyline 2 is complete! If you'd like to compare the old and new versions, here are some links for you!

I'm very happy with the results. The whole storyline was re-scanned from a better scanner and at a higher resolution, then adjusted in ways that included allowing the panel borders to be more in line with the rest of the series.

Storylines 4, 5, and 6 are fine the way they are and don't need to be remastered. The first two-thirds of Storyline 3 may end up being rescanned. Storyline 1 needs the most work—I want to slightly improve the original art on the first few strips, remove the logo from the first nine, and probably rescan in the whole storyline.