Local Heroes

Local Heroes is about a powerless sidekick who struggles to keep up with his super-powered mentors.

A Hurm Studio comic

Aug 8

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  1. Local Heroes: About Time Now Available (March 13, 2011 7:17 PM) —

    The latest Local Heroes book is now available from the Hurm Store. It's called Local Heroes: About Time, and it retells the tales of how Squire accidentally traveled back into the past, teamed up with Rumble Bee against vampires, and was confronted by an evil version of himself from another dimension!

  2. Local Heroes #1 Now at Dragon's Lair (November 23, 2008 6:09 PM) —

    For those of you living in (or passing through) Austin, Texas, you may be interested to know that Local Heroes #1 is now available in the Austin branch of local comic shop Dragon's Lair. They started carrying it a few weeks ago and are selling it for $3.00 each. Recently, we even swapped out the unsigned versions for copies signed by both creators—myself (Keith Quinn) and Gil Dowling.

    (You say you're not anywhere near Austin, Texas? Don't worry! You can still get your signed copy of Local Heroes #1 through the Hurm Store!)

  3. Local Heroes mentioned at Johnny Saturn (August 5, 2008 11:55 AM) —

    Scott over at Johnny Saturn has mentioned Local Heroes a couple of times in recent posts. His first mention was in creating a list of online superhero comics. His latest musing examines the use (and non-prevalence) of the superhero in webcomics. It's very interesting stuff, and I recommend you going there right now to read it.

  4. Comixpedia Reviews Local Heroes (April 28, 2006 8:30 PM) —

    We've hit the big time! This month's Comixpedia magazine is all about superheroes. As part of their examination of this topic, Xaviar Xerexes has graciously reviewed our own Local Heroes. Here's how Xerexes begins:

    I liked Local Heroes and I'm not completely sure why. It is a pleasant example of a superhero comic -- with more than solid art and serviceable writing. It's not spectacular, but it is early in its run and while it hasn't taken any risks, it also hasn't taken any missteps yet.

    You can find the article, entitled "Local Heroes by Keith Quinn," at http://comixpedia.com/node/8352. (Also, I posted a comment at the end of the article.)